There is a bright future! Chelsea 0.134 billion signed kesedo & 68 million signed La Via, Liverpool 25 million signed Endo
22 July, 2023

Live broadcast bar, August 17, news from several media sources, Chelsea will soon announce Southampton midfield Ravia, with a transfer fee of 53 million pounds fixed, plus 5 million pounds floating.
According to the latest exchange rate, the transfer fee of La Via is fixed at 62.06 million Euros +5.86 million euros, with a total price of 67.92 million euros.
After Liverpool was intercepted by Chelsea again, they quickly finalized the Stuttgart captain yuanteng airlines, with a transfer fee of 20 million euros fixed +5 million euros floating.
The transfer fee reached 0.115 billion pounds, or 0.134 billion euros, after Chelsea intercepted Liverpool and signed kesedo.
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